The Design Central Team trust that you are keeping safe and well. Since our last update a lot has changed and life has significantly impacted us all and for some it’s meant re-evaluating lifestyles or even escaping city life for the country. However, there does seem to be light and positivity ahead of us… Design Central passionately believes that we should step forward and be the leaders in showcasing safe events whilst still allowing all attendees and exhibitors to engage. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that Design Central will be moving forward with our event at the end of September 2020. We believe that we have a duty to lead the way for our industry to get back to business and flourish once again. By moving forward with our event this is a step in the right direction. Design Central is committed to implementing conscious yet intentional processes to promote healthy best practices and these will become a consistent priority for all of our events during high and low-risk time periods alike. We have put together our initial plan to ensure the health and safety of all at our event as we believe this to be paramount: 1. Temperature checks will be conducted before entering the event The use of handheld thermometers to scan each and every person entering the event, exhibitor, staff and attendee alike each and every day. (without this there will be NO admittance) 2. Cotton masks will be requested for attendees and staff at a minimum (There is no current UK obligation for this to be a demand) Make your own masks! What fabric will you use? Perhaps use vintage leftovers? Let’s run a competition to see who can guess the fabric name/collection/year? 3. No onsite registration lines To reduce contact, we will be asking all to pre-register as we will Not be allowing on site registrations for 2020. 4. Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the event Hand sanitizer stations will be plentiful throughout the trade show floor and in common areas and of course please feel free to bring your own. 5. New stand/station design allows for social distancing measures Sanitizer will also be on every appointment table and they will be wiped down between appointments. 6. Indoor/outdoor spaces will be used as much as possible For as many receptions, education sessions and other breakouts during the programming, we will find creative ways to use indoor/outdoor spaces, whilst social distancing. 7. Larger aisle ways with dedicated travel lanes in the trade show and any appointment areas help manage traffic This will keep attendees from bumping into each other or crowding in certain areas on the trade show floor. Allowing for 2m distancing if still required. 8. Education sessions will be set up to allow for 2m space between chairs The trade show floor and other spaces will also have 2m space markers for attendees to follow so they know an acceptable amount of space to leave in between each other. 9. Food and Beverage Service Staff who will be serving coffee and refreshments for each attendee while wearing gloves, masks. Grab and go pre-made drinks and other items will be ready and sanitized at receptions for the utmost safety.
We will be constantly evaluating our procedures and government advice between now and the event to ensure that best practices are in place. Our North West show holds immense opportunity for everyone involved, especially you.
The show will feature a vast array of suppliers (big and small) showcasing hundreds of new products not yet seen. Visit a new venue (or even revisit!) enjoy the countryside and reinstate your creativity and passion for all things design. Just a short journey from London, Wilmslow Station has many mainline connections from the capital and South Wales and is no more than a 10-minute taxi to Capesthorne Hall. We said that when the time is right, we will be here for you and if you’ve any questions relating to the show then please do let us know – we’d love to talk to you! Please do keep safe and well.